+918989498196, +919826946779

+918989498196, +919826946779

First Step Academy

Started as a pre-school I wanted to provide quality education and a strong foundation to kids of Katni but had never imagined of making it big in this field. Love and motivation of parents inspired me to take a big leap and expand the arena without compromising on the quality of education. With trust of parents and support of all my family members especially my father-in-law Dr. G.D. Lalwani & my husband Mr. Anil Lalwani I have dared to plan for Higher Secondary Level now. I would like to assure parents in Katni that First step will aim to polish your precious gems and make them excel their life by individual attention and quality education.

Mrs. Neetu Lalwani
( Chair Person )

As we look forward to the future, we envision First Step as a place where excellence in the education means imparting holistic education. We aim to provide the knowledge, skill, ability, attitude and belief that are essential for a productive and successful life. We recognize that goals are best achieved when the school provides an environment in which teachers, parents, staff and others develope and practice core values that benefit the academic, emotional and social needs of all children. Join us in our higher secondary level mission in 2021. Let us work together to make it a place in which parents believe their children are receiving education second to none, and a place in which teachers express their joy of working with pride.

Mr. Anil Lalwani
( Director )