+918989498196, +919826946779

+918989498196, +919826946779

First Step Academy

Admission Procedure

To ensure admission in Pre-Primary classes, the age criterion to be followed is mentioned as here under :

S. No. Class Age as on 1st April
1. Nursery 3+ years
2. Jr. Kg. 4+ years
3. Sr. Kg 5+ years
4. Class - 1 6+ years


Admissions are available for Classes Nursery to Class VII subject to vacancy. Interviews are arranged for students interested in admission to Pre-Primary, other students undergo a written test.

To become eligible for the particular class, the prospective student has to furnish the mark sheet of the previous class. On successfully clearing the Entrance Examination(for this ,Syllabus is available at the office counter) the student has to get TC from the earlier school and complete the admission formalities.